Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Quote Of The Day

FAMOUS QUOTE: ''Fashion anticipates and elegance Is a state of mind, a mirror of the time in which we live, translation of the future and should never be static.''-Oleg Cassini

Oleg Cassini 1913-2006 He Is an American fashion designer raised in Florence immigrated to the U.S. In the 1940's he designed costumes for Hollywood studious. Cassini dressed Jacqueline Kennedy mostly all her outfits. Dressing Jacqueline he made the pill box hat a trend and it became very noticeable and the ''A line dress''. Before he died back in 2006 he was partnered with Davids Bridal wedding dresses. Till this day he is still being known for being an influential designer  


  1. do you know when he said this quote by any chance?

    1. Not sure when the exact date but around the 1960's is what I researched
